Remember, my job consisted of teaching PE to elementary school children and working Extended Day where I had to give a snack every day. Even though I brought my own food and drink EVERY DAY, I still strayed from my diet.....I had some uncontrollable urges that I had to satisfy. It drove me CRAZY!! but, this is what I did: 14 days out: Weight: 125.5# 1 Gallon of distilled water 7:45 AM: ? cup oatmeal with splenda, 6 oz. Tilapia, Crystal Light 11:45 AM: 8 oz. Tilapia 2:00 PM: 4 oz. Tilapia 4:45 PM: 6 oz. Tilapia, ? cup oatmeal with splenda, Crystal Light 8:00 PM: 9 oz. Red Snapper, 3 shrimp, 6 oz. Filet Mignon, salad with oil and vinegar, 80z. Diet Coke (Lone Star) TOTAL CALORIES: 1,386 Protein: 250 grams CHO: 48 grams Fat: 20 grams Sodium: 1, 350mg Supplements: Multi Vitamin and Mineral – GNC- Women’s Ultra Mega after breakfast NO2 4 capsules, 2 at breakfast, 2 at lunch ECA Stack: 1 mini thin, 1 Vivarin, 1 Bayer Aspirin 3x day, morn, noon, night Chromium 200mcg.in morning Vit. E 200 IU Oil Of Oregano 150mg. Magnesium 400mg. Vit. C 1000 mg (500 after breakfast, 500 with last meal) HMB 1,000mg L-Glutamine 500mg Aminos: L-Arginine 1,447mg, L-Ornithine 900mg, L-Lysine 1,200mg. Weight Training: Legs: Inner thigh machine 60# 1x40, Plie Squats 12# 1x60, Lying leg curls with hip lift 2x15-20, Romanian Deadlifts 2x20 40# Cardio: 10 minutes Walking Lunges on Incline on Treadmill 50 minutes Elliptical Rider 5 Miles 13 Days Out: Weight: 127 almost 1 gallon of distilled water 4:40 AM: Glucerna bar, 1 cup of oatmeal with splenda, 6 oz. Tilapia, Crystal Light, 4 Hostess powdered sugared donuts (I DON’T EVEN LIKE THESE???? STRESSED) 10:00 AM: 4 oz. Chicken, 1-? cups of oatmeal with splenda 12:00 PM: Zebra Cakes, Swiss cake rolls, chocolate rounds (STRESSED OUT!!!) 4 PM: 8 oz. Tilapia, ate some of my sons Doritos???? (WHY AM I DOING THIS??? FEAR OF SUCCESS???) 8:15 PM: 2 pounds of shrimp, 8 ounce Coke TOTAL CALORIES: 3,863 Protein: 342.6 CHO: 391.5 Fat: 104.4 Sodium: 3,893.3 Supplements: just my multi-vit and mineral today NO WEIGHTS OR CARDIO!! BAD DAY!! 12 Days out: Weight: 128.5 almost 1 gallon of distilled water 8 AM: 1 ? cups oatmeal 10:30 AM: 4 oz. Tilapia 12:30 PM: 4 oz. Chicken 2:30 PM: 4 oz. Tilapia 3:30 PM: Graham crackers 4:15PM: Swiss Rolls, Zebra Cake, ? cup oatmeal with splenda, Crystal Light (STRESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) TOTAL CALORIES: 1,736 Pro: 103 CHO: 229 Fat: 50 Sodium: 940 Supplements: just Multi-Vit and mineral NO WEIGHTS OR CARDIO!! FEEL BAD AND ACHY, UPSET STOMACH……I can’t imagine why can u?? why do I do this? I am afraid of success?? 11 Days out: Weight: 128.5 drank 1 gallon of distilled water 9 AM: ? cup oatmeal with splenda, 4 oz. Chicken, crystal light 12 PM: Myoplex Protein drink, Twix bar, Hershey bar 3 PM: chocolate candy (Working with kids is killing me!!) 4 PM: 8 oz. Tilapia 10 PM: 3 egg whites, ? yolk, crystal light TOTAL CALORIES: 1,447 Pro: 119 CHO: 155 Fat: 69 Sod: 1,264 Supplements: same as day 14, add Vanadyl Sulphate 20mg, Metamucil plus calcium Weight Training: Back: Close-grip pull downs to front 70# 3x15, hypers, 3x15, seated close grip rows 60# 3x15, lying rear delt dumbbell rows 10# 3x12, Cable rope pulls 60# 3x15 Shoulders: Seated DB Military press 20# 3x12-15, seated side lat raises 3x15 (drop seat using 12, 10# DB), seated front raises 12# 3x15, cable side Delt raises 15# 3x to failure Cardio: 20 minutes Elliptical Rider 2 miles 60 minutes Elliptical Rider 6.6 miles 10 Days out: Weight: 128 almost drank 1 gallon of distilled water I did not keep up with my diet….we had a party at school and I totally lost it….kids were bringing me presents….FOOD!! CHOCOLATE, cookies, brownies, etc….BAD DAY!!!! Supplements: same as day 14 and 11 Weight Training: Legs: Romanian Deadlifts 35# 3x15, Lying leg curls with hip lift, #2 (I don’t know the weight…40-50# maybe) Leg Ext. 2x20 60#, Squat Jumps 2x15 Cardio: 10 minutes walking lunges on Incline on treadmill 20 minutes Elliptical Rider 2 miles 40 minutes Elliptical Rider 4 miles 9 Days out: Weight 129.5 did not keep up with diet….talked to Doctor…..stopped taking sinus meds (Singulair and Flo nase)……BAD DAY!! Supplements: same as day 11 Weight Training: weighted abs 20# ab mach 3x30, reverse crunch ab machine 30# 2x25, compound set tricep pushdowns 45# and rope 35#, 3x15-20, bicep curl machine 30# 2x15 Cardio: 10 minutes walking lunges on Incline treadmill 20 minutes Elliptical Rider 20 minutes walking lunges on Incline treadmill mixed with sprints 8 and 7 days out: VERY STRESSFULL, HIGH ANXIETY, did not keep up with diet, did not workout at all!!….making important career changes 6 Days out: Weight: 125# drank a little over 1 gallon distilled water 12 PM: ? cup oatmeal with splenda, 8 oz. Tilapia, crystal light 3 PM: graham crackers, ? cup oatmeal with splenda, 8 oz.tilapia, crystal light 4 PM: 1 cup oatmeal with splenda, crystal light 7 PM: hot tomales candy 8 PM: glucerna bar Supplements: same as day 11 No weight training. Cardio: 31 minutes Elliptical rider 2 miles 5 Days out: Weight: 125# drank a little over 1 gallon of distilled water 9 AM: ? cup green beans, 8 oz. Tilapia, crystal light 1 PM: ? cup green beans, 8 oz. Tilapia, crystal light 3 PM: ? cup green beans, 12 oz. Tilapia, crystal light 6:15 PM: ? cup oatmeal with splenda, 8 oz. Tilapia, crystal light 9:40 PM: 12 oz. Tilapia Total Calories: 1,386 Pro: 263 CHO: 39 Fat: 15 Sod: 410 Supplements: same as day 11 Weight Training: standing leg curls, just machines weight, 2x30, Rom. Dead lifts 35# 2x30, cable glute kickbacks 25# 2x25, Hanging ab raises 3x15-30 Cardio: 12 minutes walking lunges on inclined treadmill 20 minutes Elliptical Rider 2 miles 25 minutes Elliptical Rider 1.5 miles 4 Days out: Weight: 123.5# drank a little over 1 gallon distilled water 7:45 AM: ? cup oatmeal with splenda, 8 oz. Tilapia, crystal light 11:15 AM: 8 oz. Tilapia 2 PM: 8 oz. Tilapia 3 PM: 8 oz. Tilapia 6 PM: 12 oz. Tilapia 7 PM: graham crackers, peanut butter, 8 oz. Tilapia, crystal light TOTAL CALORIES: 1,648 PRO: 287 CHO: 60 FAT: 25 SOD: 820 Supplements: same as day 11 Weight Training: Lat Pulldowns to front 70# 3x20, Hypers for lower back 3x15, Bicep curl mach drop set to burn out starting with 30#, Rope ext for tricep-also a drop set to burn out Cardio: 8 minutes walking lunges on inclined treadmill 20 minutes Elliptical Rider 1.2 miles 3 Days Out: Weight: 123.5# drank a little over 1 gallon distilled water 12:50 AM: 8 oz. Tilapia, Glucerna bar 6:45 AM: 1 ? cup oatmeal with splenda, 8 oz. Tilapia, crystal light 11:15 AM: 8 oz. Tilapia 2:15 PM: 8 oz. Tilapia, ? cup green beans 4:15 PM: 12 oz. Tilapia 7 PM: 4 oz. Tilapia 9 PM: 8 oz. Boiled chicken with skin 10 PM: 4 oz. Tilapia TOTAL CALORIES: 2,129 PRO: 340 CHO: 65.5 FAT: 52 SOD: 970 Supplements: same as day 11, add Dandelion Root 500 mg 3x day Cardio: 15 minutes 1 mile Elliptical Rider Went and got a massage –Endermologie 2 Days Out: Weight: 122# drank 1 gallon of distilled water 7:50 AM: 2 cups oatmeal with splenda, 8 oz. Tilapia, crystal light 12 PM: 4 oz. Tilapia, 4 oz. Boiled chicken with skin, 1 tbsp. Butter with no sodium, crystal light 12:30 PM: 4 more ounces of boiled chicke with skin, 1 tbsp. Butter, crystal light 5:30 PM: 4 oz, chicken, 4 oz. Tilapia, 1 tbsp. Butter 7:30 PM: 4 oz. Tilapia 10:20 PM: 1 tbsp. Peanut butter, no sodium TOTAL CALORIES: 1.780 PRO: 195 CHO: 57 FAT: 107 Sodium: 470 Supplements: same as yesterday, start increasing potassium and dandelion root Weight Training: Lat Pull down to front 70#, hypers 2x15, side lateral raises 4x15 Cardio: I taught dance aerobic class, 1 hr. 1 Day out: Weight: 121.5 drank ? gallon of distilled water before noon 2:30 AM: 4 oz. Boiled chicken with skin, 1 tbsp. Butter, crystal light 8:30 AM: 4 oz. Chicken, 1 tbsp. Butter, 4 oz. Tilapia 3 PM: 4 oz. Tilapia 4:30 PM: Tilapia 8 PM: 6 oz. Fillet Mignon, 4 oz. Potato, salad with oil and vinegar, 8 oz.diet coke Supplements: same as yesterday BEFORE PREJUDGING: ? cup oatmeal with splenda, 8 oz. Tilapia, sipped on Crystal Light |
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