Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Burn Baby!

Today, immediately upon awakening I got on my Elliptical Rider and did 30 minutes of light to moderate intensity cardio. It was really hard cause I was really hungry! I got a little nauseated towards the end and didn't think I was going to make it but I did.....I slowed way down and kept going and did some deep breathing exercises. I enjoy going to Launchcast.com and watching music videos while I am doing my cardio. I used to watch the Young & The Restless when I did it but my VCR is broke and wont record any more. I haven't watched that soap opera in a long time. I am lost, don't really know what's going on anymore. Studies show that you tend to burn fat faster when doing cardio this way. Think about it, if you have had at least 8 or more hours of sleep, that means you haven't consumed any food lately either so your body has no choice but to pull or burn energy from your fat stores. Usually, the body burns Carbs, Protein and then fat in that order. This is the best way to lose body fat. I wore my pedometer again today. I will wear it every day this week and see how many miles I have accumulated! I am keeping track of EVERYTHING! Last night, I read some workouts I had done in 1998! My strength has been pretty steady. I don't think I drank enough water today. I couldn't find my water bottle there for a little while. (I left it in my car!)

Workout: 2-3x15
Hypers for Lower back
Lat. Pulldowns to Front 70#, 80#, 90#
1-arm Bent-Over Rows 25#, 30#, 35#
Barbell Curls 35#
Inc. Dumbbell Curls 15# ( my biceps were so pumped by this time I only did 1 set)

4 egg whites and 1 bowl of grits, 1 cup skim milk
Myoplex Protein Drink
1 cup Chicken and Rice
Roasted Chicken Wrap from Arby's (GREAT!!!)

I can't wait for tomorrow's workout: LEGS!!



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