LSU Bound!
I feel pretty good right now. I've lost about 3 pounds this week just from watching my diet closer and exercising. Seriously, it's really from staying away from salt. Grabbing fast food to eat is so bad! I've been eating Chick Fillet and Sonic! I can't even drink Diet Cokes with aspartame in them. They make me hold water so bad. Aspartame is back in the news again! It really is so bad for you. They now are making many supplements that say "No Aspartame" for good reason. I'm trying to stay away from it. One time, I changed from regular cokes to Diet and gained 8 pounds! My eyes had bags under them and I couldn't figure it out at first. Then I realized the only thing I was doing different was drinking Diet Coke so I changed back to regular Coke and lost 8 pounds. It was weird. When I'm preparing for competition, I only have maybe 8 ounces of coke on the weekend if at all. I'll tell you, my teeth were whiter! It really does stain your teeth! I'll get more specific with dieting later! Same plan for next week: light workouts . It's very important to pace yourself and get into it slowly!. I'm still going to the Chiropracter and it is helping alot. My lower back is not as tight and I feel like I have more range of motion. It's hard for many people to get back into working out slowly but it's important and I know it. PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD PRINCIPLE! .......... After this weekend, I'm sure my diet will need cleaning up again to! I'll try not to eat too bad. I don't want those 3 pounds coming back! .........Fight Your Fears With Action. -HJB
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