Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Just Do It!

I am soo tired! I have had such a long day. I joined the sunbed again. I have not been since August. I believe in moderation and trying to maintain balance in ones life physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Sometimes that seems so hard to do. I have not been in the weight room working out consistently since July. I have been active but needed to give my body a break. This week I will perform 2 total body workouts, 1 set of 12 reps per exercise to wake my muscles up and will get into it slowly. Statistics show that over 80% of people drop out of their exercise programs because they started out too fast too soon. Exercise is a stress on the body also besides a destressor so it is important to start back slowly. I don't care if your an elite athlete or in the best shape of your life, if you take time off, you gotta start all over. This is why exercise is a LIFESTYLE! It's not a quick fix, it must be done consistently to produce results in ones health status and physiological adaptations to the body:lowered blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, increased energy level and sense of well being. It also helps you sleep good, control anxiety and depression. I believe in the Progressive Overload Principle. If you want results, you gotta be patient and not change a lot of things all at once. For example, you should never increase your duration of cardio and frequency in one week. Do one or the other. You shouldn't go from lifting 90# to 135#. Add no more to 2-5 pounds of weight per exercise. Little things mean alot! There is so much to tell you! There is no MAGIC PILL! It takes hard work, dedication, persistency and PASSION to reach ones goals. Without all of these, you will not benefit at your optimal level. Well, it is past my bed time so I will get off my soap box for tonight. It is extremly important to get adequate rest and eat healthfully also to reach your goals. More on this later. Please feel free to ask questions or add comments to my site. I hope to increase the knowledge of health and fitness to people and be a role model to my community, my state and my country! God Bless Us All and Goodnight!


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